

Ello! Im Moth! :]I'm a self-taught artist and cosplayer who's obssessed with boba and moths!





There are a couple reasons why I may not have responded to your DM:


1) - Do not simply send “Hi” / “How are you” and wait for me to respond!
If you have a question, please just ask right away!! Otherwise I may not respond at all ^^' It's difficult for me to think of what to say for small-talk, and unfortunately I get socially drained very quickly.
2) - Do not ask to be friends
I apologize if this comes off as rude (not intending to be!), but this just makes me uncomfortable. I just prefer smaller friend groups and I prefer to make friends with individuals overtime, not within 5 seconds.


Overall, just know that Im typically asocial. It’s nothing personal, and I’d love to answer questions you may have!! It’s just a bit uncomfortable for me to chat with new people in certain situations as listed above ^^’Thanks for reading this! Heres a free boba!! :] 💖🧋


If you have any questions, please contact me via Discord or Instagram only!(I'm most active on Discord)


Discord: @bobaholicmothInstagram: @BobaholicMoth
